Minnits - 4 October 2002

Fri 04 Oct Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits

4 October 2002



The LUG apparently did do a page for this but weren’t able to get it to us in time, so we will go ahead with what we’ve done but put in a paragraph about them. Adam to print these in DCS at an appropriate moment.

Insomnia + Warwickpizza

Insomnia is essentially ready and we are waiting for confirmation from ITS that we can put it in their room. We are waiting for a response from Warwickpiazza about advertising the (soon to materialise) game servers.


Henry to respond to them when he gets time/internet access simultaneously.


We have £162.12 in the bank as a society. We must find creative ways of spending this! (Hiring a hitman to kill the Lame probably shouldn’t be a suggestion)

Freshers Fayre

We should have a flatscreen running some games and the fruits of the OSP if possible. Henry/Adam/Chris to turn up at 9am (!) and set the stand up. They can cover things until 1pm, after which Dave can take over for the rest of the day. Any help from other exec members or experienced non-exec members also appreciated. We should try to put up some photos from previous LANs as well.

Membership Cards

Chris to print about 150 of these on Monday. We have 41 wallets so Henry to order another 100 of these. We also need to get drawing pins. Since we probably won’t have these ready in time, cards will be handed out at the first social instead of at the Fayre itself.

First Social

Will be held in “The Bar” on Friday of week 2 at 7pm. The exec should try to turn up a bit earlier so that we can make sure of getting a decent number of seats.

Next exec meeting

  1. pm on Thursday in The City Arms. Dave to mail Phil and badger him about turning up.


The machines in ITS-011 have been upgraded and are now pretty damn sweet. Gaming sessions should resume as normal starting with the Friday of week 2 (after the first social). Dave to draft a “Welcome to Compsoc” newsletter detailing all the cool stuff the society does.