News 02/03
News from 02/03!
Mon 30 Jun 2003
Molotov appears to be suitably stable once again, after swapping a faulty component. Needless to say, the CompSoc Technical Team will keep an eye on things to make sure everything continues to work.
In other news, the Mega-LAN was had! And lo, there was much Goodness. Photos are here: LAN piccies. Enjoy!
Finally, have a good summer, everyone - see you next year!
Newsletter for 21 June 2003
Sat 21 Jun 2003
Web page:
Mail the exec:
IRC: irc://
Molotov stability
Fri 20 Jun 2003
As many of you will have noticed, Molotov has crashed for the second time in quick succession. Luckily, the Technical Team were able to get in to the server room and restart things within a few hours.
Read more >>Server Upgrades
Tue 10 Jun 2003
Molotov has now been upgraded with the components left over from the Insomnia upgrade. Thus our servers are now:
AMD Duron 950
512Megs PC133 RAM
Newsletter for 8 June 2003
Sun 08 Jun 2003
Web page:
Mail the exec:
IRC : #compsoc
End of term LAN and BBQ
Tue 03 Jun 2003
Hi guys, with exams and the like going on, CompSoc hasn't done much this term, but fear not; there's more to come after the exams!
Read more >>Minutes - 31 May 2003
Sat 31 May 2003
NeXuS7 has been paid, now waiting for union finances to act.
Read more >>Minutes - 25 May 2003
Sun 25 May 2003
Phil has spoken to Warwick Piazza, who said they were going to enforce dabs type prices at GeTech/LazerLizard, so nothing to gain from selling our own cards.
Read more >>Minutes - 17 May 2003
Sat 17 May 2003
Phil and Sadiq are going to talk to Leslie Goldberg this Wednesday.
Read more >>Perl Tutorials
Sun 11 May 2003
Hi! For those of you who didn't know, Perl tutorials are happening on Wednesdays in the Union Meeting Rooms (see the Socials Page for more details on locations).
Read more >>Minutes - 10 May 2003
Sat 10 May 2003
On Thursday, Phil and Sadiq met Mike Joy to discuss future ideas that involve the CS department. The idea of providing Linux desktop sessions over VNC has been shelved for now (mainly due to hardware requirements). We have also been offered some space to host new servers if we obtain some.
Read more >>Newsletter for 30 April 2003
Wed 30 Apr 2003
Web page:
Mail the exec:
IRC chat: irc://
Minutes - 26 April 2003
Sat 26 Apr 2003
Lan has been booked, now needs advertising (see below). To make things a little tidier, we plan to attach some of the inter-table cabling to the ceiling (the rooms have a false ceiling). This requires us to ask for permission, so Christian and Sadiq are to ask the person who gave us permission to take power up from downstairs. Henry still has the Compsoc switches.
Read more >>Dr. Solomon lecture
Wed 23 Apr 2003
A big welcome from the new exec for 2003-2004!
As the first event of this term, we are proud to present Dr. Alan Solomon giving a talk about how his AntiVirus software originally came to be written. Come along to the Physics Lecture Theatre on the Science Concourse at 3pm on Wednesday of Week 2!
Minutes - 22 April 2003
Tue 22 Apr 2003
To be held in week six of the first term of next year. A subset of the exec will meet discuss the details of this.
Read more >>CS Results
Sat 15 Mar 2003
Well for those unaware the results of our CS fun last night were: * Fade enjoyed setting evil gravity that killed you if you walked down a ramp! * Past and future presidents engaged in furious bidding wars for the right to decide map settings. * Draconas became the mad auctioneer at brief periods as the admin bribes escalated to ridiculous levels. * Sadiq proved to be the master at "death from above" with a submachine gun. * Some society members grudgingly admitted that CS is actually …
Read more >>Counterstrike Tournament
Tue 11 Mar 2003
This Friday (Week 10), The Computing Society will be holding a Counterstrike gaming tournament in aid of Comic Relief.
Read more >>Minnits - 8 March 2003
Sat 08 Mar 2003
“Dr Solomon” agreed to do a talk. Phil to confirm date and ask about travelling costs. The talk is likely to be about programming and personal anecdotes about starting a business. It was suggested that we use one of the library lecture theatres for the talk.