Newsletter for 21 May 2002

Tue 21 May Newsletter

2002-05-21 - Newsletters - About - CompSoc

Newsletter for 21 May 2002

CompSoc Newsletter

Hi everyone, and welcome to another newsletter from the Computing Society. I hope anybody that had exams at the start of term has weathered them successfully, and good luck to all of you for the exams still to come. Here’s what we have in store for you today…

  1. Socials
  2. Open Source Project
  3. Coventry Linux User Group
  4. i11
  5. s7
  6. BFL
  7. CAT5

1. Socials

We are planning to hold a barbecue towards the end of the term, likely to be on Saturday of week 9. For those of you who are interested in attending this burger-‘n’-bun cook-out you can register your interest at the usual web address (, and we’ll give you more details closer to the time. Also just a little reminder that Compsoc holds a regular pub-meet at the City Arms in Earlsdon every Monday evening from around 8pm: newcomers are always welcome (Although with exams on soon this is likely to be less popular at the moment).

2.Open Source Project

In case you didn’t know, the Computing Society is engaged in a project to produce an updated version of the game “lightbikes” (think ‘Tron’ - you’ll soon get the idea). So if you feel like getting involved, it’s never too late to join in, and meetings for the OSP are held every Sunday evening at 6pm in Meeting Room 6 in Union North.

3.Coventry Linux User Group

That’s right, Coventry is blessed with its very own LUG, and they have a irc channel at #cov-lug on They will be holding a meeting in the Whitefriars pub in Coventry at 7:30pm on Wednesday 29th June. Several members of our exec will be attending so mail us if you would like to come along.


Compsoc is running a trip to this, the latest in the Insomnia-series of events held at Newbury Racecourse. The event runs from 9am on Friday 21st June to 6pm on Sunday 23rd June, with some 600 people in attendance. Tickets cost 60 for participant entry or 5 per day for spectator entry. If you want to come and join us, register as part of the [UoW] clan in the Quake3Arena area.


s7 has been and gone, and attendees’ sleep patterns have since returned to whatever passes for normal in their respective lives. Liberal quantities of Jedi Knight 2 and DungeonSiege were played, along with not-so-liberal quantities of Q3A, Starcraft and Grand Prix, and as usual extreme amounts of snackies were eaten by all. On a serious note, a piece of equipment was left behind by somebody, so if you’ve discovered that you’re short of something then e-mail the exec.


But as memories of s7 recede slowly into the distance, a quick look in the other direction reveals the even-larger monstrosity of the BFL, only partially obscured by the exam-gremlins. Yes everybody, the BFL is fast approaching, and spaces are in short supply. We are going to hold two tournaments at the BFL, and everybody planning to attend is welcome to mail us with suggestions as to what games these should be.Would you like a JK2 CTF competition, or how about some Quake3 Doubles? Mail us and let us know!

We will also be charging a small fee to raise some money for the society, and attendees are welcome to bring guests who are non-members of the society. It will be &£2.50 for members, &£5 for non-members.

The official signups for this event are going live at 12:00pm today, under the following format: one signup for the main event lasting from Tuesday until Thursday where you can indicate a preference for whom you would like to be seated with, and another signup for Monday to Tuesday. The Computing Society exec reserves the right to determine who goes in which room. Non-members will be abe to fill any spaces unclaimed by 10th June by e-mailing the exec to claim a space. Everybody who attends will require 5-10m of CAT5 cable.


For those of you who need cabling, the society is selling network cable at the following price:

50p base
+50p/m until 10m
+40p/m for cable > 10m

Hence, for example a 20m cable would cost &£0.50 + &£5.00 + &£4.00 = &£9.50

Well, that’s it for now. Enjoy as much of the Summer sun as possible and don’t work too hard.

-- Dave de la Motte


University of Warwick Computing Society