Newsletter for 20 February 2002

Wed 20 Feb 2002 Newsletter

2002-02-20 - Newsletters - About - CompSoc

Newsletter for 20 Feb 2002

Compsoc Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

This newsletter is a bit of a tearjerker for me for it is the last that I, as secretary, shall key you. The AGM at the end of Week 7 will see the formation of a new executive committee, each one eager to please the members in all their computer-related needs.

Aside from the AGM, we have Big LAN News, as well as a feature on the Open Source Project.

In addition, we’re looking to pay more attention to the academic side of our activities; see section five for more information.

So then, read on and enjoy!


  1. s6
  2. AGM / Elections
  3. BFL
  4. Open Source Project
  5. Academia
  6. CAT5

1. s6

The weekend of Week 7 sees s6 - our latest and greatest LAN. This time we’re holding the event in Lib2 - that’s the uppermost of the two Library lecture theatres.

Unfortunately, signups are now full. If you are NOT going to attend, PLEASE CANCEL YOUR SIGNUP, thus letting someone else take your space. Positions are very limited and it’s not fair to take a place if you’re not going to turn up!

That little rant aside, the LAN will be Friday, 22nd February 2002 (8pm) until Sunday 24th February (10pm).

2. AGM / Elections

The AGM will be held on Saturday 23rd February at 5:00pm, in LIB2 - yes, that’s in the middle of the LAN :)

Positions required are as follows:

If you would like to stand for one of these positions, please email before 12:00pm on Thursday 21st. Candidates will be given the opportunity to give a brief speech detailing why they should be given the post; obviously this is more important if your position is contested.

Whilst attendance is prefferable, andmay possibly have abearing on election results, if you are standing as a candidate and cannot be present at the AGM, one of the exec members will read your speech for you.

The candidates will present themselves at 5:00, and voting will start at 5:30, with results to be announced directly afterwards.

If members have any concerns they wish to address at the AGM, could they please be sent to, and we will include them in the agenda for the AGM.

So, then. AGM to be held at 5:00 in Lib2 on Saturday 23rd February. Nomination deadline is midday on Thursday 21st February. The AGM is open to ALL members, regardless of whether they are signed up for the LAN.

3. BFL

Aaah, the BFL. We are holding a Big LAN at the end of term 3… and when we say “big”, we mean BIG! The LAN will have a capacity of 36 (thirty six!!) - twice the capacity of a regular LAN - and will be spread across two rooms, Lib1 and Lib2.

Preliminary signups are online. If you would like to attend the event, go ahead and put your name down! ( It should be noted that this is a signup for interest only, so that we can guage numbers. Official signups will be posted next term, once we have
had booking confirmation.

4. Open Source Project

The Open Source Project, now being cunningly written in Delphi, is still active and firing on all cylinders.

The aim of the project is to create a truly three-dimensional version of the popular “Lightbikes” game. The project is being written in Borland Delphi, using OpenGL.

What are needed? Everyone is needed! Coders, level designers, artists, and play testers.

If you’d like a piece of the Open-Source action, come along to a meeting. They are held every Sunday (unless there’s a LAN) at 6:00pm in Meeting Room 6, Union North. The next meeting is Sunday 3rd of March - nicely timed so that you can watch the Australian Grand Prix first :-)

Open Source Project. Next meeting Sunday 3 March, 6pm

5. Academia

Here at Compsoc, we’re very aware that our main focus is on gaming. We realise that many of you joined the society for academic reasons, and we would like to be more active with this side of the subject.

What would you like us to do? We’re open to any and all suggestions; please mail your feedback to . To give you a start, current suggestions include:

Any feedback on these ideas, or any others you could give us, would be gratefully appreciated. Mail your comments and suggestions to .


The delays in the CAT5 shipping have now been resolved, and we have lots more of the lovely stuff, just for you, our members.

For all lengths from 1m-100m, just mail and we’ll sort you out as soon as we can.

That’s about it for now. As always, if you’ve got any comments please e-mail them to us (, and we’ll delegate them to the new exec ;)



The University of Warwick Computing Society