Newsletter for 16 November 2001

Fri 16 Nov Newsletter

2001-11-16 - Newsletters - About - CompSoc

Newsletter for 16 Nov 2001

Newsletter Vol III

Hi All, and welcome to another Computing Society newsletter.

  1. s4
  2. Karting
  3. HTML Tutorial
  4. Cat5
  5. IRC Server

1. s4

"With a final tug, the power plug, fixed in its socket by a term’s worth of dust and grime, finally came free, leaving his machine free of the cables that protruded like tentacles, each suppling a facet of the machine’s ability. By far the most painful part of the experience was the removing of the ADSL connection; there would be no high-speed Internet until Monday.

But it would be worth it.

For fifty hours, the machine would be one with twenty of its brothers; part of the singular electronic consiousness that was to engulf the Physics corridor.

The wait was almost over.

It had almost begun."

For those of you who hadn’t guessed, s4 is almost upon us. Unfortunately, signups are now full; if you aren’t able to make the event, please tell us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Last minute cancellations really aren’t helpful :).

We’re sorry about the signup limit again - Room Bookings, being filled with the eternal wisdom that graces all of the University departments, booked us the wrong rooms; hence we have had to drop the numbers. We apologise for this, but there is really nothing we can do.

Those of you on the singups list will receive an e-mail shortly, giving you final details; we’ll see the rest of you on the Other Side :)

2. Karting

Karting is going ahead for definite, on the Wednesday of Week 9 - that’s the 28th of November.

We will be doing a Grand Prix, and so we need a minimum of twelve people. The cost will be 30, but for this you get a practice session, followed by qualifiers, a semi-final and, if you’re really good, the final. Champagne and trophies will be available for the podium finishers, so it is well worth your money!

We will be meeting in Rootes Reception at 1:00pm, to arrive at the Karting venue by 2:00.

All those interested who are going will need to give a 10 deposit to either Jake or myself (Henry) ASAP. This can be done whenever you see us - pop into the LAN this weekend, or see us at gaming next week.

Alternatively, if you e-mail us, we can meet you on campus somewhere to collect the deposit.

So, yeah; Karting Weds Week 9 (28 November) at 1:00, Coventry International Karting ( It’ll be fun!

3. HTML Tutorial

Following the successful series of tutorials last year, we are starting this year with a pair of HTML tutorials.

These are perfect for anyone who would like to create a website, but really doesn’t know where to start; HTML stands for “Hypertext Markup Language”, and is the “code” displayed by web browsers.

The tutorials will be given by Compsoc Webmaster James Ross, who knows more about HTML than Jake knows about Mecha. They will cover everything from basic HTML (tables, forms, frames) right up to cascading stylesheets (CSS/1.0) - the easiest way to create a cool look-and-feel for your site.

The first tutorial will be on Monday of Week 9 (26 November) at 50:00pm in Meeting Rooms 4 and 5, Union North. The second will be held a week later - Monday Week 10, 3 December.

4. Cat5 Cable

We still have a whole load of Cat5 cable for sale, in available in any length, as either patch or crossover cables.

We are also doing hub connection leads - for anyone with two hubs (one radio, one CAT5 maybe?), buy a short piece of Cat5 from Compsoc to join the two!

As a short comparison, we lookad at the Computer Fayre last night, and it is safe to say we were around 50% cheaper than the cheapest cable seller there! At 50p base price +50p/m (40/m for cables > 10m), Compsoc are easily the cheapest CAT5 retailer around. All our cables are guaranteed too!

5. IRC Server

With much champagne and party poppers, Compsoc last night opened their new chat room! Yes, we now have an IRC server running. The server name is Come along to organise a game, discuss tactics or just for general chat :)

Registered channels:


Please come along and join in the chat.

Anyways, that’s it for now. Hope to see you all at Karting, s4 or Gaming; until then TTFN.

-- Henry

The University of Warwick Computing Society