Minnits - 7 November 2001

Wed 07 Nov Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits

7 November 2001


Before starting the meeting, various members of the exec familiarised themselves with the term “moebius”, with regards to Jake’s onion ring.


At the time of the meeting, Henry and Tom had bee nto see Chris Tilbury personally, but gained no success. H and T to go and see him again before the end of the week.

Phil Stoneman has leant Compsoc the camera in order for the server to be photographed.

s4 Booking

Tom and Jake have both booked the rooms; no reply has been received from room bookings yet. Henry to mail to chase them up.


Chispy will be the overall tournament organiser. The tourney will start with a free-for-all round, and then proceed to a bracket system.

The entry fee for the tournament will be a piece of confectionary. The winner will take most, with a small amount going to the second place player.

Chris also to talk to the caretaker about power; an approximation gives us 20 people in one room and five in the second.


H has rung the people but couldn’t get through. To keep trying.

People on the exec who would like to go:

Tom Cropper to look into duty of care forms.

Capital Budget

Still no reply has been heard. Chris Smith to keep pestering and see Jon Finnis. If no satisfactory result occurs then we will go to the boar.


We are now in ITS011. And apparantly the games are crap and we need new ones. Like Starcraft.

Campus Gaming

We’re gonna wait for Molotov before we do anything.


Henry to write a piece on the newsgroup to see if there is any interest in Compsoc clothing.

Jake to put up a trial picture.


The website is not ready to go yet; by Monday it should be OK. The menus aren’t dynamic at the moment, as that was a hefty task in itself.


We’re doing quite well with CAT5 sales - David Apthorpe is “Busy”; Alexis to keep chasing.

We’ve sold more cable to Stuart and Toaster; this is a good thing.


All the money from memberships has been paid into the union. Jake to give the stubs to Ann Jarvis.