Newsletter for 5 November 2001

Mon 05 Nov Newsletter

2001-11-05 - Newsletters - About - CompSoc

Newsletter for 5 Nov 2001

Computing Society Newsletter Vol 3

Hi everyone, and welcome to this edition of the Compsoc newsletter. We’re over halftway through the first term now, and most of you will have a good idea of how things are gonna plan out for the year; I’m guessing it involves work. Well never mind, because we’re here and are running several events to take your mind off things. So sit back and enjoy the show.


  1. s4 - The 50 Hour LAN
  2. Karting
  3. Open Source
  4. Gaming
  5. Signups
  6. CAT5 Network cable

1. s4

“He looked at the page in disbelief. Two letters, 12 points tall, stood there staring back defiantly. Two letters that offered so much. Two letters which could take so much. In his mind flash visions of helicopters, rails, redeemers and AWPs. Visions of the Zerg and of the Soviets. Visions of a rally car navigating a two-right-over-crest. And he knew that it was his destiny.”

Yes, it’s come around. s4, the fourth in our major Allnighter LAN series is now being booked, and it’s looking to be the longest event yet. We’re looking to get B212, B213 and B214 from 8pm on Friday 16th until 10pm on Sunday 18th (end of week 7). That’s a whopping FIFTY hours.

We realise that some of you may not be able to make the entire weekend; as a consequence, we’re taking signups for one, two, or three days as you are able to make it.

We would also like to point out that the rooms have not been booked yet; as a result the time and/or place may change.

It is recommended for attendance at the LAN that you have a 5m piece of network cable. Compsoc can supply these at an extremely cheap rate.

2. Karting

Compsoc go Karting - yes, it’s true!

We shall be running a Karting trip on Wednesday of Week 8. Details are still to be confirmed, but it is likely we will be visiting the Coventry Speedway; as anyone who has been to, this is probably the best karting circuit around. It has 250cc outdoor karts, and as you can imagine they’re quite a lot of fun :-).

If you are interested in Karting, please e-mail with the subject “Karting”, letting us know, so we have a rough idea of numbers. Then we can get it booked. The cost is likely to be around &£20.

3. Open Source

The OSP kicked off yesterday in MR4, Union North. It was nice to see some new faces, particularly on the Linux front; hopefully we’ll make some good progress this term.

The activity is a chance for all you programmers to get involved in an interesting project.

For those who don’t know much about it, the task is to create a fully-3D version of the “LightBikes” game. It’s being written in C using openGL; coders, artists, level designers, playtesters and managers are required.

For more information, come along to one of the sessions. The first was on the 4th of November at 6:00 in MR4; the second on Sunday the 11th of November in MR3.

4. Gaming

For those who can’t stand the high latency that is the campus network, or those who would just rather meet the people you’re playing, Compsoc are holding gaming sessions in ITS011 every Friday and Saturday night.

The cunning among you will notice that we’ve moved rooms since the beginning of term - the new machines are a lot beefier, and can run many more games. Come along and join in the madness!

Gaming starts at 10:00pm in ITS011; the hardcore krew will be meeting in the Airport at 9:00 beforehand, to dullen our skillz and give the others a chance :-)

5. Signups

Since we have no dynamic website at the moment, to sign up for an event, mail the exec ( with the subject as the social (e.g. “Karting”, “s4”), giving us your name and membership number, and we’ll put you on the list.

6. CAT5 Cable

We’re still selling network cable for all your and your friends’ needs, at the cheapest for miles around.

Our rates:

This is cheaper overall than any other supplier that the exec knows about.

Cables are made to fit any size you require, and are available as “normal” patch cables, and crossover cables. All cables are pre-tested, and are guaranteed.

That’s it for this newsletter. Take care of yourselves, and we hope to see you at an event soon!

-- Henry

Secretary, University of Warwick Computing Society