Newsletter for 16 October 2001

Tue 16 Oct Newsletter

2001-10-16 - Newsletters - About - CompSoc

Newsletter for 16 Oct 2001

Hi Everyone, and welcome to the Warwick University Computing Society.

We apologise for being so slow to mail you all; we’ve been in negotiations with ITS and hoped to mail you all with some really good news, but we’re still waiting.

So, what’s happening?

  1. First Social
  2. Gaming
  3. LaserQuest
  4. LAN

1. First Social

As most of you will remember from the Fresher’s Fayre (and indeed from our handbook), our first social is Tuesday 16th of October (that’s this week), at 7:00pm in South Central. Come along and get to know everyone!

2. Gaming

The Compsoc Gaming sessions are now up and running on Friday and Saturday nights from 10pm - 4am. We’ve got all sorts of games to play, ranging from Quake to Lightbikes. If you fancy some beer and maybe food, we’ll be meeting in Airport at 9pm, so come along and join in!

3. Laserquest

There will be a Compsoc Laserquest trip on the Wednesday of Week 4. Laserquest is in the middle of Coventry, by the bus station. Buses will be around &£1.60 for a return, although if there are enough cars we may drive. More details will follow at the social this evening.

4. LAN

Woo! The first LAN this year is scheduled for the end of Week 4. This is a relatively tame one, running from 10am until 10pm on the Saturday. Entry is free for members, but we have a limit of 18 places - we’ll be taking signups at in South Central; miss us there and you can mail to put your name down. Unfortunately, the 18 limit is non-negotiable, else we’ll run out of power :-)

To attend the LAN you will need:

For those who haven’t set their PC up on a LAN before, the exec will be happy to help you get started. And then it’s down to you to play what you want for as long as you want!

5. CAT5

Something we’re always being asked is “Do you have any spare cat5 networking cable”. Well, now we do!

Compsoc is now selling CAT5 cable (the standard networking cables), for 50p plus 30p per metre. Both patch (standard) and cross-over (used for connecting 2 PCS without a hub) are available in any lengths you need.
For more details please e-mail, and we’ll be happy to sort you out.

Anyways, that’s it for now. I hope to see you all tonight in South Centreal, but if not then at one of our many events coming soon!

-- H

Secretary, University of Warwick Computing Society