Minutes - 14 March 2001

Wed 14 Mar Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits - 14 March 2001




During the drive from Uni to the City Arms Earlsdon, this snippet was overheard and reported to your trusty Secretary.

“There’s only one care between us and Jake, and he’s a git.”

It should also be pointed out that last week’s “Jingly Hat” quote was wrongly attributed. It was, of course, uttered by none other than Richard Colfer.

Also, to save me mentioning a certain word later in this document:

“I bet you can’t write the Laminator section without using the word “Lazy”.”


With regards to the capital budget form, we have decided to go for a thousand (£1000) pounds, as this will buy us a stonking great server. The form is due on Friday, so Alexis and Richard are to go back to Uni and do the form after the meeting.

It was discussed whether we should budget for anything other than the server. One item put forward that everyone seemed to like was another switch, preferably 8-port. We were also going to save £30 from the membership money for the leaflets to give to new members, and cold seal pouches.

Red Nose Day

The exec on the whole are so pleased with themselves that they would like it re-iterated that the Red Nose Day Counterstrike Tournament raised a whopping £100.78. Holy Chris as paied the money into his bank account, and will be writing off to Comic Relief with a cheque as soon as he finds his chequebook.

The general consensus was that it was a fun event. The nomination of a team captain was a good idea, as was the random element to the teams. The major problems were with server admin and people getting ready to play, the main causes being that PCs weren’t set up properly, or had no mouse. It was decided that, as a general rule thumb, at least two non-players should be present to admin.

Alexis to tweak the CS configuration to make it run faster than Cathy Freeman sliding down a well-oiled bobsleigh run.

Jake to write a GUI game installer over Easter.

Counterstrike Ladder

It was decided, on the back of the successful RND event, that it would be a good idea to have a CounterStrike ladder.

Players would enter the Ladder individually, and teams would be picked at random each week.

Nutsy to organise this.

“We should have equal naked women and men.”
Chris Salmon


We’re going to aim for around a grand for a server. This will adequately fullfil the society’s needs, and will last a good while also.

Tom to re-do a spec aiming for around the price mentioned above.

It was suggested that this term, we buy a hard disk for the Server and put it in a spare box, as a “server prototype”. Here is a list of the exec members who would be willing to donate a piece (or two) of equipment:


Being of sound mind and good health, both Chris Smith and Chris Salmon have been too indolent to do anything about the Laminator. Sir HC had a look through a catalog but was too lethargic to actually read any of it.

“I Have no excuse.”
Chris Salmon[1]

“I’m impotent.”

ASPs for Charity

“Stop absorbing Sound.”

We’ve had an email from a charity asking if we can do them a fairly short ASP. Henry to mail the charity to see if ASPs are really what they want[2], and the members to see if anyone is up to the task.

Following this, it was suggested that Compsoc start up a development group. This could do services for other societies, for small renumeration.

Also, we could rent out space on the server for Warwick post-graduates, again at a minimal fee.

Next Meeting

Everyone to mail Chris Smith with their new timetables as soon as they get them.

And a final quote for the term:

“Keep your eggs to yourself.”
CS to CS[3]

  1. He’s getting an awful lot of quotes in, considering he’s not an exec member…

  2. What they actually want is Perl, but they just don’t know it yet.

  3. Work it out.