Minnits - 2nd November 2000

Thu 02 Nov Meeting Minutes

Compsoc Exec Minnits

2nd November 2000



1. LAN

Barry found a good deal on an 8-way switch - and whilst the particular price he found was a limited-time offer, it was decided that it would be a good idea to get one. Kit comes with three network cards and three lengths of cable. Barry to talk to Ryan and start purchase.

2. Java Tutorials

Chris Salmon managed to do nothng at all. Jake to talk to Jarvis instead, since he actually /will/ instead of sitting around doing nothing for a whole week.

3. Magazines/Budget

Still no official word on the budget. Ryan to investigate both this and the worrying lack of any magazines received from the society’s subscription to PC Format.

4. ITS011

Jake to talk to ITS over rooms 011/018. Best result possible of course is that we could use both rooms - but of course we don’t expect this to be possible. We would prefer to end up in ITS011, since the computers in there are more powerful, despite there being two less.

5. Allnighter

Still no response form the room booking form we submitted. Chris Salmon to investigate just what /has/ happened.

6. McCarthy/CS Tourney

James M still hasn’t contacted us on the subject of the proposed Counter-Strike tournament. Chris Smith to follow him up on it. Make it an open event - 50p entry to non-members, free for members. Chris also to talk to Coventry GAME in hopes of getting sponsorship.

7. LaserQuest

Chris Salmon to book LaserQuest (20 spaces) for Filmsoc crossover.

8. Gaming

Phil will possibly turn up on Saturday, and Chris Smith may turn up on Friday. Jake to turn up to both days.

9. Membership

Chris Smith to fill in and put cards in relevant pigeonholes in DCS for those still to receive cards, since Chris Salmon is away this weekend.

10. Distributed.net

It was decided that the proposed project and website was not in the interest of the society as a whole. Furthermore, we do not have CGI permissions on our webspace anyway. Phil to politely decline involvement.

11. Industry

The idea was raised to gather contacts in Industry to help set members up with summer jobs. Unfortuantely, the topic of conversation moved too quickly to come to any solid conclusions on the matter.

12. Science Ball

The Science Ball is on - Ryan informs us that a venue has been booked in Birmingham, with 400 dinner tickets and 150 after-dinner tickets, a provisional price of £40 and £20 respectively (£2 surcharge for non-society or faculty members) - lowered depending on sponsorship, which has yet to be gathered and totalled.

13. Karting

Henry Southgate has supplied us with some information on a local Karting track - however, any way around the prices appear to be approximately £1 a minute for track time. If we go ahead with Karting, it is clear that we will need to have a decent attendance, and will probably go for one of the simpler not too ocmpetetive options, so those who have not been before do not get worse value for money than regulars. We will also need to ask for deposits, to discourage people from signing up but not turning up.

14. Bowling

To be put off (again…) till next time.

15. Next Meeting

Meet up in the Bunker at 6pm (not 5) on Thursday.