🗳️ AGM (& Exec Elections)
7pm Fri 17 Feb 2023
Held on Friday Week 6 (17th February) from 7pm, in OC1.01. Here's what you need to know:
In order to Vote or Stand in the election, you must be a society member by Friday Week 4 (3rd February), 7pm ⌛. Membership is free, provided you've paid the societies federation fee:
➡️ https://www.warwicksu.com/societies-sports/societies/computing/#org-join ⬅️
All positions are democratically elected, using the STV voting system. Our 'shared office' rule allows multiple candidates to be chosen in rank order for the same position. In other words, don't feel discouraged just because you know someone else is running for a role!
Keegan will be acting as our returning officer - overseeing and organizing the election. To stand for a position, either email Keegan at president@uwcs.co.uk from your university email, or send a Discord DM directly: Keegan#9109.You may stand on the night, but we much prefer some advance warning.