Lightning Talks II

7pm Thu 19 Nov

Remote - Microsoft Teams/Discord

We'll be running a session of lightning talks (short talks that last about 15 minutes) across a set of different areas and themes related to technology! They'll be given by current members of the society and some of our graduates who have gone on to work in industry. In the past we've had talks related to programming tools, problems encountered in industry and even a karaoke talk about functional programming! You can find the previous talks on our YouTube to see the kinds of talks we've had in the past!

Due to Discord limitations, we're going to be hosting them through a Teams 'Live Event' where you'll able to join via the link below! This should be possible for anyone to view, even if you are external to the university!

We'll have 3 different talks as always, and there'll be more info on here soon about their titles!