6pm Fri 22 Feb


This year’s AGM (Annual General Meeting) is coming up! This is the meeting where we reflect on the last year we’ve had as a society, discuss plans for the future, and, particularly importantly, elect our new exec team for the 2019-20 academic year.

This meeting will be held on Friday, 22nd February (Week 7), from 6-8pm in OC1.02. There will be FREE PIZZA. Yes, you read that right. FREE PIZZA.

The exec positions up for election this year are:

President (Academic President)
Vice-President (Gaming President)
Tech Officer
Publicity Officer
Social Secretary
Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities, and Welfare Officer
Gaming Officers (x1-3)
All exec positions are expected to help out at our bigger events - most notably Gaming and LANs, as well as to attend exec meetings (which usually happen once every couple of weeks).

We’ll send you an email soon with information about what these roles are about. You can also ask us at any time (via Discord, Facebook, or email - If you want to run, great! You don’t have to tell us in advance if you don’t want to, just show up on the day.

One more thing - you must be a (Standard) member two weeks before this meeting in order to be allowed to vote or run. So if you want to become exec or have a hand in deciding who they should be, please make sure you join by Friday, 8th of February.

We hope to see you all there!