Skool Dayz Week 8

7pm Sat 25 Nov 2017

The Copper Rooms

Comp Soc are planning to have a major presence at Skool Dayz this term.
Make sure you get some nerd-rep with your school outfits, or a basic white shirt if you're feeling uninspired.

We plan to circle in the Copper Rooms but times tbd (most likely 1900), wait out for an update post.

We're well aware that this is going on at the same time as LANa Del Rey, so we invite you to participate in LAN and join us.
For people who are at LAN, we plan to meet up at 1845 before setting off to The Copper Rooms.

Just a reminder, there is to be no drinking while at LAN, no drunken or disruptive behaviour at LAN, no sleeping at LAN, and it's to the discretion of the Gaming Officers and Exec to remove you from LAN and send you home until the end of LAN to come back and pick up your computer.