Warwick Open Overwatch Tournament
6pm Sat 29 Oct 2016
Lib 2
Come take part in our Overwatch tournment!
This will take place on the Saturday evening of the upcoming LAN party (at LAN), so you must also be attending LAN to join! (Even if you only turn up for the tournament, you still need to sign up to LAN as well!).
We will be streaming this event on our Twitch channel, so commentators are welcome for the event.
Team up with your friends, and show up everyone else as you prove yourselves the best team at Warwick. Prizes may be up for grabs!
We'll be allowing for up to 10 teams using Round Robin or Swiss tournament format, dependent on entrants. The sign-up form is available here: https://goo.gl/forms/Wna1wHxX3cs1KcRl1
Hope to see you guys there ('-')/