Secret Santa on Fri 5th December 2014

8pm Fri 05 Dec


To people who are interested I will be running a Secret Santa.

The deadline to sign up will be Saturday 29th at 10:00 (week 9), anyone who signs up after that will be ignored. At 10:01 on the 29th (or when I wake up/remember), I will take people's names and randomise them before sending them via email back to you.

We plan on handing out the gifts during the last Friday Gaming of term in week 10, so please be there or arrange for your gift to be.

As a guide-line we recommend you spend no more than £5 on a gift, you can if you want to (but then you are just rich aren't you).

If you sign up to this please make sure you are committed to making your part happen. We don't want any sad faces on CompSocMas Day...