Hackathon on Sun 23rd June 2013
1pm Sun 23 Jun 2013
The Warwick hackathon for 'The Breakout' (see details below). Students with all kinds of skills are welcomed to contribute as much as they can. You'll be given credit for everything you do and the best work will be awarded, yet everyone will receive certificates. Food, drinks and amazing vibe will be provided too. The hackathons are supported by Google and there will be some free swag provided at the event!
The hackathon will be a team competition, with teams working to design and implement a specific part of the system. However as this is a hackathon feel free to use your creativity and implement any part of the platform you choose!
Please note the times below are fairly rough - feel free to dip in and out of the hackathon as you please. However there will be an introductory talk at the start of the hackathon and at the end there will be a finishing talk and pizza for lunch.
A £400 cash prize will be up for grabs for the best ideas, with free pizza and refreshments all round, goodies from Google and everyone will receive a certificate! Each team will also be given a VPS to work with which you can keep for the rest of the month!
Programme description: CompSoc has been contacted by SIBE (student run media) which develops a campaign model One Step at a Time (read here for more info) for which they are building a web-platform. In a series of live TV discussions produced by SIBE they will talk to campaign, web development and social media experts about how this web platform should function. The ideas emerging in the discussions will be implemented through hackathons, in which web development experts and enthusiasts as well as students will take part. They've got several very experienced web developers on board (see Google + community), but they want to get Warwick students involved too. It is a great opportunity to apply your skills to a project which bears a huge potential to make a difference and will have a real impact.
To get involved, sign up via their website and below!