Tutorial on Wed 21st October 2009

6pm Wed 21 Oct


New student in DCS?
Need to get to grips with the commandline?
Or maybe just interested in learning how to find your way about a linux machine (like ours!)?

Then come to this talk held by us! We will have a cheat sheet for you, and we will head to DCS after to put our new found skills in to practice as well as playing with some stuff. There may be sweets if you're lucky..

If you are unsure where Social Studies is, don't worry! We will be meeting people outside DCS at 4:45 and then walking over. Feel free to meet us there at 5 if you like.

Warwick have an "interactive map":http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/about/visiting/maps/interactive?type=building&num=53 that might help you find your way