Progcomp on Fri 23rd November 2007

8pm Fri 23 Nov

Various Deprecated Locations

This will be a 48 Hour Event, similar to a LAN party with submissions due at 10am, 2pm and 8pm on Saturday and Sunday. Members are required to bring their own machines, preferably laptops or low powered desktops.

The competition will take place between teams of two or three.

We will be operating a "matchmaker" service so if you wish to participate but don't have a team, or have a team or two people and want a 3rd, then email:

and we will attempt to find you one.

The challenge will be to develop the control code for a robot in Java, which will then be pitted against the other teams. Scripting languages that are compatible with Java can be used, such as Jython, JRuby, Javascript or Groovy.

The competition is open to people of all levels and first year entrants will have prizes for entry.

Prizes sponsored by Bloomberg will be available for all 3 members of the winning team, and the 2nd-4th placed teams. The total prize fund is &£1000. Any questions