Categories: Newsletter
All items associated with the categories Newsletter:Newsletter for 6 February 2004
Fri 06 Feb 2004
The Computing Society Annual General Meeting will be held at 8pm on Saturday 14th February (end of Week 6) in Meeting Room 4 and 5 in Union North. If you don’t know where these are, email the exec and we can help you get there.
Read more >>Newsletter for 27 January 2004
Tue 27 Jan 2004
You may remember last term the Linux User Group was going to host a free guest lecture by Dave Jones, a noted kernel hacker. Unfortunately we had to cancel, but we rescheduled it to tomorrow (Wed 28th Jan), 4pm, L4. Dave Jones has worked on several areas of the Linux kernel, which is not just an extremely widely used piece of software, but also a hugely complex global team development project. The lecture is free, and everyone is welcome.