Categories: Meeting Minutes
All items associated with the categories Meeting Minutes:Minutes
Tue 20 Oct 2015
-Need to email Varsity about discount.
-Nodd migration waiting on LDAP
-Want to buy Rocket League on PS4
-Will is going through rocket stuff with Warwick Rockets - no action here yet.
-Set up LAN at 5pm, start 6pm
Minutes 14/10/15
Wed 14 Oct 2015
-We get 10% off at Varsity! -We are remaking irc at some point when Nodd migration is complete. -Need to send out an information message before irc goes down. -We want Rocket League on PS4. -Talk to Warwick student cinema about streaming our charity event, with League Soc, Dota Soc, Nintendo Soc (?) and Game design. -The charity could be a Games to Hospitals charity or similar. -Need to talk with all society exec. -Exec meeting is now Tuesday 2-3pm.
Read more >>Minutes 07/10/15
Wed 07 Oct 2015
-Need gaming keys cut. -Gaming will be in 006. -Consoles are in the LAN cupboard. -Looking into hanging the banner in DCS somewhere. Matt and Roger say this is fine, just need to do it. -IBM is week 7 wednesday. -Bletchley is week 3 saturday. Look into train times. -Will and Rhiba are getting mini bus licences! -Newsletter after freshers fair. -Email to DCS with compsoc info on it. Jackie? - Shell talk, Will is talking to Mike Joy. -Look at other computing society sponsors and follow them. -No P…
Read more >>Minutes - 17/06/2015
Wed 17 Jun 2015
-Gokarting moved to 3pm pickup due to a lack of available slots, everyone affected knows -Trubydoor asked if the WGD 48hr could be held at BFL because WGD had their booking revoked (after it was confirmed) because there was an open day. It was mentioned that there might not be room in Lib2, but at the time of the meeting there were still >50% of the seats still available. Even accounting for last minute sign ups on the day this is unlikely to cause an issue. -BFL was only booked from 3pm due …
Read more >>Minutes - 10th June 2015
Wed 10 Jun 2015
Marmite's Musings: I'm on 2 hours sleep and have an exam tomorrow. Stop expecting wittiness from me you vultures.
Wordart is underused.
Minutes - 03/06/2015
Wed 03 Jun 2015
ITS payment is done Big screen for BFL not yet done Rockets meeting is/was straight after this one Phillammon will contact Vlambeer and Extra Credits to ask for a skype talk/Q&A mcnutty will organise those academic talks he said he would and finalise IBM visit CRT has taken up residence next to the cupboard Open day is Friday week 9 - should tell DCS we'll pack up early, names and fun things to demo not yet finalised -Slideshow of stuff we do? -Classroom Aquatic hooked up to the rift? Should…
Read more >>Minutes 20/05/2015
Wed 20 May 2015
Academic Will planning on organising talks now exams are done. Need to organise a meeting with Rockets. Gaming need to pay for previous screen usage - then book new usage. Not fixed Xbox yet, Will might oven it. Tech Social Publicity Desperately need posters printed. Misc Barbecue is booked. Need to replace robot (or Will and Rhiba can absorb his job). Action overflow: All Exec attempt to fix xbox sign up for lan rota phillammon book out big screen for 2 hours sometimes in BFL (daytim…
Read more >>Minutes 06/05/15
Wed 06 May 2015
Academic Gaming need to pay for previous screen usage - then book new usage LAN IS THIS WEEKEND, room booking was messed up going to buy splatoon for wiiu Tech Social Publicity Misc more discussion about phoach - Will is writing a letter to them. Varsity is super expensive though! Action overflow: All Exec attempt to fix xbox sign up for lan rota phillammon book out big screen for 2 hours sometimes in BFL (daytime, preferably tues/wed) buy splatoon buy 2 new wii motion plus controllers r…
Read more >>Minutes - 29th April 2015
Wed 29 Apr 2015
Academic Gaming need to pay for previous screen usage - then book new usage phillammon has a chat going between a lot of gaming society exec - cross advertisements etc we have a dead xbox, possible buy a xbone for next term? not decided. Tech Social anime soc joining bbq phoach is super cheap so we’ll start going again next year Publicity Misc Action overflow: All Exec attempt to fix xbox phillammon book out big screen for 2 hours sometimes in BFL (daytime, preferably tues/wed) rhiba bo…
Read more >>Minutes 22/04/15
Wed 22 Apr 2015
Academic Rockets - probably going to be delayed until after exams (not during Lan) Sponsorship - WILL AND MARMITE NEED TO GET OFF THEIR ASSES - will has part written a letter that will be sent out IBM trip - Will got a trip offered to us, any time really, probably mid term 1 next year. “Emerging technologies” - get the department to advertise? Speakers for next term - divide up list of contacts and give each exec people to talk to, rayhaan will do talks next term Gaming Big screen shenanigans…
Read more >>Minutes 04/03/2015
Wed 04 Mar 2015
Present: rayhaan, mcnutty, hermit, phillammon, rhiba, marmite, robot
Read more >>Minutes 25/02/15
Wed 25 Feb 2015
Present: rayhaan, mcnutty, hermit, phillammon, kirby, rhiba, marmite
Next meeting: Wed 4th March, 1pm
Minutes 18/02/2015
Thu 19 Feb 2015
Present: rayhaan, mcnutty, hermit, phillammon, kirby, rhiba, murtag
Next meeting: Wed 25th February, 1pm
Minutes - 11th February 2015
Wed 11 Feb 2015
Present: hermit, maddy, kirby, marmite, mcnutty, phillammon, rayhaan, rhiba, robot
Next meeting: Wed 18th February, 1pm
Minutes - 4th February 2015
Wed 04 Feb 2015
Present: rhiba, maddy, phillammon, veltas, robot, alice, marmite, mcnutty, rayhaan, hiren
Next meeting: Wed 11th February, 1pm
Minutes - 28th January 2015
Wed 28 Jan 2015
Present: marmite, veltas, rayhaan, maddy, mcnutty, hermit, rhiannon, phillammon, glynn
Read more >>Minutes - 21st January 2015
Wed 21 Jan 2015
Present: marmite, hermit, maddy, robot, rayhaan, phillammon, veltas, mcnutty, rhiannon, zed0
Read more >>Minutes - 14th January 2015
Wed 14 Jan 2015
Present: veltas, marmite, maddy, mcnutty, rayhaan, robot, crumpet, philamon, zed0