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Sun 12 May Newsletter

Hi guys and welcome back to another edition of everyone's favourite newsletter!

Honestly I think exam season might be driving me crazy, and so I'm here to drive you all insane too >:)

This week we have our usual events, and a revision session for some of the first years if you subjected yourself to CS139, not sure why you'd do that.

For the most part, there aren't CS exams this week, so I hope you all enjoy your last week of freedom before HELL🔥🔥

But seriously, exam periods can be tough and we want to make sure you are all doing ok. If you are struggling please get in contact with wellbeing services, or speak to one of our welfare officers: Serene (@thiswasdumb on Discord) or Raven (@raven0034 on Discord). We've got this!! :D

🍔 Pub meal 🍔

🕘Monday 13th May 6pm-8pm📍The Dirty Duck

Social gatherings? What's that?

Spend the days of sun hiding indoors I know you don't touch grass and enjoy some food socially (every comp sci student's worst nightmare).

Come along to the Dirty Duck for food, starting at 6pm!

☕ Comp cafe ☕

🕘Tuesday 14th May 5pm-9pm📍CS0.06

I never want to see an exam paper again

Bored of revising? Well bad luck, because you're in for even more exams. Want some motivation to actually work? Come to comp cafe for some snacks and communal work, with free vend on the coffee machine from 5 until 7!

💪 Alternative Experience Event 💪

🕘Wednesday 15th May 12pm - 3pm📍Student Opportunity Hub - Senate House

Employability = Job = Money = Good

The univeristy is hosting an employability skills event, on the 15th May! Come along to learn more about ways you can make yourself employable, for all those internships you'll want next year.

All of the workshops require booking, which can be accessed through the title link or the DCS newsletter. There will also be event stalls that are drop in, with no booking required!

🎮 Friday night gaming🎮

🕘Friday 17th May 7pm-1am📍CS0.01

Gamers don't die, they respawn with snacks.

As usual, our Friday night takeover of DCS will be happening (and we finally have 3 gaming coordinators)!

Clone Hero will be set up again this week, complete with all your favourite songs from rockband. If you've got more requests, let one of the gaming coordinators know (Discord details: Finn - @flynt251, Krister - @archivepizza, Rohan - @theobservinggoos).

The PCs will be set up and running Steam, and as per the last 3 weeks, we will be in CS0.01!

🌐 CS139 Revision Session 🌐

🕘Sunday 19th May 3pm - 5pm📍MS.01

Can you centre a div yet??

For everyone studying CS139, we are running a revision session this week where we’re going over some sweet sweet web development exam questions. The focus of the session is going to be going over the key things you should know for the exam that come up most years, and also exam technique.

To make up for the lateness of my last newsletter, I'm writing this one early I'm doing everything I can not to revise. I hope everyone's week is good and you're all enjoying the sun! - Ray :)