Tickets can be purchased on the WarwickSU website (here)
Which society is just better?
A great question one would think, but how do we determine? -A fight to the death? -Who has got the biggest...membership? -Who stinks out the lecture hall the least?
What better way to find out then a mega bowling tournament?
Yes that's right, this is the first ever bowling tournament in UWCS history and the first ever collaboration with our good friends in CyberSoc. For only £15 (UWCS member only, join us we are free to join), or £15.85 for others; you are guaranteed at least 3 games each, where the person with the highest score is the winner, and the society with the highest score is the best.
As always, there will be a mystery prize for the top 3 players.
You can either meet us at Tenpin Leamington Spa directly @ 7:30pm or at the University Interchange UW5 @ 6:30pm, where will catch the U1 together.